By C.H. Spurgeon
is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly." — 1Co_15:48
head and members are of one nature, and not like that monstrous image which
Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. The head was of fine gold, but the belly and
thighs were of brass, the legs of iron, and the feet, part of iron and part of
clay. Christ's mystical body is no absurd combination of opposites; the members
were mortal, and therefore Jesus died; the glorified head is immortal, and
therefore the body is immortal too, for thus the record stands, "Because I
live, ye shall live also." As is our loving Head, such is the body, and
every member in particular. A chosen Head and chosen members; an accepted Head,
and accepted members; a living Head, and living members. If the head be pure
gold, all the parts of the body are of pure gold also. Thus is there a double
union of nature as a basis for the closest communion. Pause here, devout
reader, and see if thou canst without ecstatic amazement, contemplate the
infinite condescension of the Son of God in thus exalting thy wretchedness into
blessed union with his glory. Thou art so mean that in remembrance of thy
mortality, thou mayest say to corruption, "Thou art my father," and
to the worm, "Thou art my sister"; and yet in Christ thou art so
honoured that thou canst say to the Almighty, "Abba, Father," and to
the Incarnate God, "Thou art my brother and my husband." Surely if
relationships to ancient and noble families make men think highly of
themselves, we have whereof to glory over the heads of them all. Let the poorest
and most despised believer lay hold upon this privilege; let not a senseless
indolence make him negligent to trace his pedigree, and let him suffer no
foolish attachment to present vanities to occupy his thoughts to the exclusion
of this glorious, this heavenly honour of union with Christ.
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